Semua kehendak ini disurvey dan dikaji sebelum dipost.Dan nyata ia
memang tepat dengan wanita-wanita yang moden pada masa kini.Harap dapat
...normal simple ring
...small wedding party
...honeymoon at any place
...small house for the kids to run around
...lovely children
...husband is a family man
...but work hard
...small car for shopping
...another car for kids
...some collections for backup if pijak tahi ayam everyday
...some nice outfits
...a bit of cosmetics
...a bit of makeup
...overseas trip once a year
...more often on domestic trips
...romantiak dinners
... Presents occasionally
...finally, some securities.
All that a Women want....
...Plain looking husband
...normal simple ring
...small wedding party
...honeymoon at any place
...small house for the kids to run around
...lovely children
...husband is a family man
...but work hard
...small car for shopping
...another car for kids
...some collections for backup if pijak tahi ayam everyday
...some nice outfits
...a bit of cosmetics
...a bit of makeup
...overseas trip once a year
...more often on domestic trips
...romantiak dinners
... Presents occasionally
haha..part pijak thi ayam tuu x bley blahh.. tp btul pe.. snarai kat ats,, smua pompuan nk..
BalasPadamkahkah tersentap saya..
BalasPadamYou will need a millionaire to fulfill those needs.
BalasPadamhehhehe ,, x semue girl cmni ,, huhu
BalasPadam@miss kecohhaha..
BalasPadamada yang betul ada juga yang tak betul..tapi hakikatnya bergitulah.